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Infant Growth Assessment thumbnail

Infant Growth Assessment

Beyond Brain Development - Understanding The Role Of DHA & ARA During Infancy thumbnail

Beyond Brain Development - Understanding The Rol...

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Ferrous Sulphate: The preferred iron salt for managing Iron Deficiency Anemia
Ferrous Sulphate: The preferred iron salt for managing Iron Deficiency Anemia thumbnail

By- Danone Nutricia Academy

Ferrous Sulphate: The preferred iron salt for managing Iron Deficiency Anemia

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Why is Vitamin C: Iron molar ratio of 2:1 critical for infant health?
Why is Vitamin C: Iron molar ratio of 2:1 critical for infant health? thumbnail

By- Danone Nutricia Academy

Why is Vitamin C: Iron molar ratio of 2:1 critical for infant health?

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Importance of gut health in early life
Importance of gut health in early life thumbnail

By- Danone Nutricia Academy

Among all the microbes that may be found in humans, the gut microbiota is the most numerous

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Iron-The Key Nutrient for Brain Development
Iron-The Key Nutrient for Brain Development thumbnail
Iron rich Indian foods ready reckoner
Iron rich Indian foods ready reckoner thumbnail
FOStering stronger bones – Beta palmitate and Fructooligosaccharide (FOS) advantage
FOStering stronger bones – Beta palmitate and Fructooligosaccharide (FOS) advantage thumbnail
FOStering Growth and Development (role of FOS in growth and development)
FOStering Growth and Development (role of FOS in growth and development) thumbnail
Role of FOS in nutrient absorption
Role of FOS in nutrient absorption thumbnail
Non-Digestible Carbohydrate for Better Digestion–How FOS works?
Non-Digestible Carbohydrate for Better Digestion–How FOS works? thumbnail